Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
C++ virtual methods
class A
virtual void foo() { cout << "A::foo() is called" << a =" new">foo(); // 在这里,a虽然是指向A的指针,但是被调用的函数(foo)却是B的!
class A
virtual void foo();
class B: public A
virtual void foo();
void bar()
A a;
a.foo(); // A::foo()被调用
1.1 多态
void bar(A * a)
a->foo(); // 被调用的是A::foo() 还是B::foo()?
1.2 多态有什么用?
在面向对象的编程中,首先会针对数据进行抽象(确定基类)和继承(确定派生类),构成类层次。这个类层次的使用者在使用它们的时候,如果仍然在需要基类的时候写针对基类的代码,在需要派生类的时候写针对派生类的代码,就等于类层次完全暴露在使用者面前。如果这个类层次有任何的改变(增加了新类),都需要使用者“知道”(针对新类写代码)。这样就增加了类层次与其使用者之间的耦合,有人把这种情况列为程序中的“bad smell”之一。
1.3 如何“动态联编”
void bar(A * a)
void bar(A * a)
1.4 overload和override
2. 虚函数的语法
2.1 使用virtual关键字
class A
virtual void foo();
class B: public A
void foo(); // 没有virtual关键字!
class C: public B // 从B继承,不是从A继承!
void foo(); // 也没有virtual关键字!
2.2 纯虚函数
class A
virtual void foo()=0; // =0标志一个虚函数为纯虚函数
2.3 虚析构函数
class A
virtual ~A()=0; // 纯虚析构函数
class A
A() { ptra_ = new char[10];}
~A() { delete[] ptra_;} // 非虚析构函数
char * ptra_;
class B: public A
B() { ptrb_ = new char[20];}
~B() { delete[] ptrb_;}
char * ptrb_;
void foo()
A * a = new B;
delete a;
在这个例子中,程序也许不会象你想象的那样运行,在执行delete a的时候,实际上只有A::~A()被调用了,而B类的析构函数并没有被调用!这是否有点儿可怕?
如果将上面A::~A()改为virtual,就可以保证B::~B()也在delete a的时候被调用了。因此基类的析构函数都必须是virtual的。
2.4 虚构造函数?
3. 虚函数使用技巧 3.1 private的虚函数
class A
void foo() { bar();}
virtual void bar() { ...}
class B: public A
virtual void bar() { ...}
3.2 构造函数和析构函数中的虚函数调用
class A
A() { foo();} // 在这里,无论如何都是A::foo()被调用!
~A() { foo();} // 同上
virtual void foo();
class B: public A
virtual void foo();
void bar()
A * a = new B;
delete a;
如果你希望delete a的时候,会导致B::foo()被调用,那么你就错了。同样,在new B的时候,A的构造函数被调用,但是在A的构造函数中,被调用的是A::foo()而不是B::foo()。
3.3 多继承中的虚函数 3.4 什么时候使用虚函数
以设计模式[2]中Factory Method模式为例,Creator的factoryMethod()就是虚函数,派生类override这个函数后,产生不同的Product类,被产生的Product类被基类的AnOperation()函数使用。基类的AnOperation()函数针对Product类进行操作,当然Product类一定也有多态(虚函数)。
[1] 深度探索C++对象模型,Stanley B.Lippman,侯捷译
[2] Design Patterns, Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, GOF
Posted by
9:52 AM
Labels: c++, programming
哪些地方會用到Copy Constructor和Assignment Operator?
C#、Java都沒有copy constructor,所以這對大部分programmer都很陌生,簡單地說,凡需要copy的地方,就需要copy constructor:
Foo foo1;
Foo foo2(foo1);
以上直接使用copy constructor。
string s = "C++ Primer";
Foo foo = Foo();
此時是先由default constructor建立一個temporary object後,再由copy constructor將temporary object 『copy』給物件。????????????????????????????????????????????????
2.以by value的方式傳進function和由function return值。
int Foo(int n);
只要不是使用by reference的方式,就得使用copy constructor。
3.建立STL container中的element。
先由string的default constructor建立一個temporary string object,再由string的copy constructor『copy』到vector中每個element。
4.由initialization list建立array。
Ex.int ia[] = {1, 2, 3};
先由int default contructor先建立temporary int object,再由int的copy contructor『copy』到array中。
所以copy constructor其實是無所不在的,只是我們從來沒有發現,雖然C++ compiler會自己synthesize copy constructor,但也允許我們自己定義自己的Copy Constructor,這與C#、Java不同。
而assignment operator呢?
Foo foo1;
Foo foo2;
foo2 = foo1;
以上會執行foo2的assignment operator。
所以簡單的說,copy constructor和assignment operator都在做『copy』的動作,當資料是pointer,也就是動態資料時,就必須重新改寫,否則只會copy pointer,而不是copy data。
Posted by
8:19 AM
Labels: c++, programming
transaction isolation level
Isolation level | Dirty reads | Nonrepeatable reads | Phantoms |
Read uncommitted | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Read committed | No | Yes | Yes |
Repeatable read | No | No | Yes |
Serializable | No | No | No |
- 悲观并发控制
一个锁定系统,可以阻止用户以影响其他用户的方式修改数据。如果用户执行的操作导致应用了某个锁,只有这个锁的所有者释放该锁,其他用户才能执行与该锁冲突的操作。这种方法之所以称为悲观并发控制,是因为它主要用于数据争用激烈的环境中,以及发生并发冲突时用锁保护数据的成本低于回滚事务的成本的环境中。 - 乐观并发控制
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 支持某个范围的并发控制。用户通过为游标上的连接或并发选项选择事务隔离级别来指定并发控制的类型。
- 读取数据时是否占用锁以及所请求的锁类型。
- 占用读取锁的时间。
- 引用其他事务修改的行的读取操作是否:
- 在该行上的排他锁被释放之前阻塞其他事务。
- 检索在启动语句或事务时存在的行的已提交版本。
- 读取未提交的数据修改。
- 在该行上的排他锁被释放之前阻塞其他事务。
读已提交(Read Committed):当一个事务运行在这个隔离级别时,一个查询只能看到查询开始之前的数据而永远无法看到脏数据或者是在查询执行时其他并行的事务提交做的改变。
如果一个正在执行一个 UPDATE 语句(或者 DELETE 或者 SELECT FOR UPDATE)的查询返回的行正在被另一个并行的未提交的事务更新,那么第二个试图更新此行的事务将等待另一个事务的提交或者回卷。如果发生了回卷,等待中的事务可以继续修改此行。如果发生了提交(并且此行仍然存在;也就是说,没有被另一个事务删除),这个查询将对该行再执行一便以检查新行版本是否满足查询搜索条件。如果新行版本满足查询搜索条件,那么该行将被更新(或删除或被标记为更新)。
如果一个正在执行一个 UPDATE 语句(或者 DELETE 或者 SELECT FOR UPDATE)的查询返回的行正在被另一个并行的未提交的事务更新,那么第二个试图更新此行的事务将等待另一个事务的提交或者回卷。如果发生了回卷,等待中的事务可以继续修改此行。如果发生一个并行的事务的提交,一个可串行化的事务将回卷,并返回下面信息。
ERROR: Can't serialize access due to concurrent update
Posted by
7:12 AM
Labels: database
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Java is Pass-By-Value, Dammit!
I finally decided to write up a little something about Java's parameter passing. I'm really tired of hearing folks (incorrectly) state "primitives are passed by value, objects are passed by reference".
I'm a compiler guy at heart. The terms "pass-by-value" semantics and "pass-by-reference" semantics have very precise definitions, and they're often horribly abused when folks talk about Java. I want to correct that... The following is how I'd describe these
- Pass-by-value
- The actual parameter (or argument expression) is fully evaluated and the resulting value is copied into a location being used to hold the formal parameter's value during method/function execution. That location is typically a chunk of memory on the runtime stack for the application (which is how Java handles it), but other languages could choose parameter storage differently.
- Pass-by-reference
- The formal parameter merely acts as an alias for the actual parameter. Anytime the method/function uses the formal parameter (for reading or writing), it is actually using the actual parameter.
Java is strictly pass-by-value, exactly as in C. Read the Java Language Specification (JLS). It's spelled out, and it's correct. (See http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/second_edition/html/classes.doc.html#37472)
In short: Java has pointers and is strictly pass-by-value. There's no funky rules. It's simple, clean, and clear. (Well, as clear as the evil C++-like syntax will allow ;)
Note: See the note at the end of this article for the semantics of remote method invocation (RMI). What is typically called "pass by reference" for remote objects is actually incredibly bad semantics.
The Litmus Test
There's a simple "litmus test" for whether a language supports pass-by-reference semantics:
Can you write a traditional swap(a,b) method/function in the language?
A traditional swap method or function takes two arguments and swaps them. Its basic structure looks like
swap(Type arg1, Type arg2) {
Type temp = arg1;
arg1 = arg2;
arg2 = temp;
If you can write such a method/function in your language such that calling
Type var1 = ...;
Type var2 = ...;
actually switches the values of the variables var1 and var2, the language supports pass-by-reference semantics.
For example, in Pascal, you can write
{ Pascal }
procedure swap(var arg1, arg2: SomeType);
temp : SomeType;
temp := arg1;
arg1 := arg2;
arg2 := temp;
{ in some other procedure/function/program }
var1, var2 : SomeType;
var1 := ...;
var2 := ...;
swap(var1, var2);
or in C++ you could write
// C++
void swap(SomeType& arg1, Sometype& arg2) {
SomeType temp = arg1;
arg1 = arg2;
arg2 = temp;
SomeType var1 = ...;
SomeType var2 = ...;
swap(var1, var2); // swaps their values!
(Please let me know if my Pascal or C++ has lapsed and I've messed up the syntax...)
But you cannot do this in Java!
Now the details...
The problem we're facing here is statements like
In Java, Objects are passed by reference, and primitives are passed by value.
This is half incorrect. Everyone can easily agree that primitives are passed by value; there's no such thing in Java as a pointer/reference to a primitive.
However, Objects are not passed by reference. A correct statement would be Object references are passed by value.
This may seem like splitting hairs, bit it is far from it. There is a world of difference in meaning. The following examples should help make the distinction.
In Java, take the case of
public void foo(Dog d) {
d = new Dog("Fifi");
Dog aDog = new Dog("Max");
the variable passed in (aDog) is not modified! After calling foo, aDog still points to the "Max" Dog!
Many people mistakenly think/state that something like
public void foo(Dog d) {
shows that Java does in fact pass objects by reference.
The mistake they make is in the definition of
Dog d;
itself. When you write
Dog d;
you are defining a pointer to a Dog object, not a Dog object itself.
passes the value of d to foo; it does not pass the object that d points to!
The value of the pointer being passed is similar to a memory address. Under the covers it's a tad different, but you can think of it in exactly the same way. The value uniquely identifies some object on the heap.
The use of the word "reference" in Java was an incredibly poor choice (in my not-so-humble opinion...) Java has pointers, plain and simple. The designers of Java wanted to try to make a distinction between C/C++ pointers and Java pointers, so they picked another term. Under the covers, pointers are implemented very differently in Java and C/C++, and Java protects the pointer values, disallowing operations such as pointer arithmetic and invalid runtime casting.
However, it makes no difference how pointers are implemented under the covers. You program with them exactly the same way in Java as you would in C or C++. The syntax is just slightly different.
In Java,
Dog d; // Java
is exactly like C or C++'s
Dog *d; // C++
And using
d.setName("Fifi"); // Java
is exactly like C++'s
d->setName("Fifi"); // C++
To sum up: Java has pointers, and the value of the pointer is passed in. There's no way to actually pass an object itself as a parameter. You can only pass a pointer to an object.
Keep in mind, when you call
you're not passing an object; you're passing a pointer to the object.
For a slightly different (but still correct) take on this issue, please see http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/j-praxis/pr1.html. It's from Peter Haggar's excellent book, Practical Java.)
A Note on Remote Method Invocation (RMI)
When passing parameters to remote methods, things get a bit more complex. First, we're (usually) dealing with passing data between two independent virtual machines, which might be on separate physical machines as well. Passing the value of a pointer wouldn't do any good, as the target virtual machine doesn't have access to the caller's heap.
You'll often hear "pass by value" and "pass by reference" used with respect to RMI. These terms have more of a "logical" meaning, and really aren't correct for the intended use.
Here's what is usually meant by these phrases with regard to RMI. Note that this is not proper usage of "pass by value" and "pass by reference" semantics:
- RMI Pass-by-value
- The actual parameter is serialized and passed using a network protocol to the target remote object. Serialization essentially "squeezes" the data out of an object/primitive. On the receiving end, that data is used to build a "clone" of the original object or primitive. Note that this process can be rather expensive if the actual parameters point to large objects (or large graphs of objects).
This isn't quite the right use of "pass-by-value"; I think it should really be called something like "pass-by-memento". (See "Design Patterns" by Gamma et al for a description of the Memento pattern).
- RMI Pass-by-reference
- The actual parameter, which is itself a remote object, is represented by a proxy. The proxy keeps track of where the actual parameter lives, and anytime the target method uses the formal parameter, another remote method invocation occurs to "call back" to the actual parameter. This can be useful if the actual parameter points to a large object (or graph of objects) and there are few call backs.
This isn't quite the right use of "pass-by-reference" (again, you cannot change the actual parameter itself). I think it should be called something like "pass-by-proxy". (Again, see "Design Patterns" for descriptions of the Proxy pattern).
Posted by
11:11 PM
Labels: java, programming
Friday, December 7, 2007
BBC中文網昨天新聞〈孟加拉人獲諾貝爾和平獎〉報導,諾貝爾基金會 2006 年和平獎由孟加拉籍的經濟學家:穆罕默德.尤努斯與他所創立的銀行共同獲得。
TVBS 新聞網站〈尤諾斯救助貧困 獲諾貝爾和平獎〉有提到 Grameen 銀行最重要的意義:
微型信貸(micro-credit),或者微型金融(micro-finance),這種以堅實理論基礎構築女性與鄉村農民等弱勢者的合作經濟模式,近年來在許多國內外場合都有機會被反覆提到。BBC 中文網新聞中有繼續解釋:
去年5月25日〈工商:張忠謀 榮獲日經亞洲獎〉我有看到日經亞洲獎的「區域成長獎」獎項得獎者,就是穆罕默德.尤努斯;去年也被稱為是國際微型金融的一年,繼社會企業(social enterprise)之後,這種微型的社會實踐變成了眾所皆知的重要概念與實作。在 wikipedia 中 Grameen(格拉明)銀行的介紹文章,關於格拉明電信計畫與乞丐貸款計畫等的介紹,也都讓人驚訝不已。
尤努斯在今年八月的一篇文章〈什麼是微型信貸?〉(What is Microcredit?)中細數不同型態的微型信貸,並且就他 Grameen 銀行所從事的方向做出澄清。這可以讓想要更深入了解這個重要概念的朋友有機會知道細節。
I think this is creating a lot of misunderstanding and confusion in the discussion about microcredit. We really don’t know who is talking about what. I am proposing that we put labels to various types of microcredit so that we can clarify at the beginning of our discussion which microcredit we are talking about. This is very important for arriving at clear conclusions, formulating right policies, designing appropriate institutions and methodologies. Instead of just saying “microcredit” we should specify which category of microcredit.
在諾貝爾和平獎被提名的總數一百九十一名角逐者當中,有很多都是具有全球知名度的國際人士。在公佈評選結果之前,得獎呼聲最高之一的是芬蘭前總統阿赫蒂薩里(Martti Ahtisaari)…這個名字有點耳熟能詳吧。他是現在代表聯合國主要推動 Kosovo 科索伏獨立計畫的幕後推手。在前面 GVO 翻譯計畫:〈塞爾維亞:聯合國代表 Ahtisaari,與 Kosovo、Metohia 的未來〉中他的論點引起塞爾維亞人的抗議(尤其是在塞爾維亞剛通過一部新憲法,宣示科索伏是主權範圍的一部份之後)。中國東突或疆獨人士也因獲選入圍,而讓某些中國媒體全面檢討「諾貝爾和平獎的泛政治化」(〈諾貝爾和平獎變了味〉,以及諾貝爾獎竟提名東突分子 瑞典議員用心不良)。
Posted by
12:53 AM
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Reservoir Sampling
Problem Statement
source: http://gregable.com/2007/10/reservoir-sampling.html
Now that that is out of the way, Reservoir Sampling is a fun algorithm. Imagine you are given a really large stream of data elements (queries on Google searches in May, products bought at Walmart during the Christmas season, names in a phone book, whatever). Your goal is to efficiently return a random sample of 1,000 elements evenly distributed from the original stream. How would you do it?
The right answer is generating random integers between 0 and N-1, then retrieving the elements at those indices and you have your answer.
So, let me make the problem harder. You don't know N (the size of the stream) in advance and you can't index directly into it !!!!!!!!. You can count it, but that requires making 2 passes of the data. You can do better. There are some heuristics you might try: guess the length and hope to undershoot. It will either not work in one pass or not be evenly distributed.
Simple Solution
A relatively easy and correct solution is to assign a random number to every element as you see them in the stream, and then always keep the top 1,000 numbered elements at all times. This is similar to how mysql does "ORDER BY RAND()" calls.
tu: what is the problem with this simple solution??????????????
A: simpler in this problem, but cannot be extended to the more complex cases, which we will see later.
Classic Reservoir Sampling
Another option is reservoir sampling. In the example I've given you, the algorithm above is a little simpler, but reservoir sampling can be extended in other ways which I will get to, but first the basic algorithm:
First, you want to make a reservoir (array) of 1,000 elements and fill it with the first 1,000 elements in your stream. That way if you have exactly 1,000 elements, the algorithm works. This is the base case.
Next, you want to process the i'th element (starting with i = 1,001) such that at the end of processing that step, the 1,000 elements in your reservoir are randomly sampled amongst the i elements you've seen so far. How can you do this. Start with i = 1,001. With what probability after the 1001'th step should element 1,001 (or any element for that matter) be in the set of 1,000 elements? The answer is easy: 1,000/1,001. So, generate a random number between 0 and 1, and if it is less than 1,000/1,001 you should take element 1,001. In other words, choose to add element 1,001 to your reservoir with probability 1,000/1,001. If you choose to add it (which you likely will), then replace any element in the reservoir chosen randomly. I've shown that this produces a 1,000/1,001 chance of selecting the 1,001'th element, but what about the 2nd element? The second element is definitely in the reservoir at step 1,000 and the probability of it getting removed is the probability of element 1,001 getting selected multiplied by the probability of #2 getting randomly chosen as the replacement candidate. That probability is 1,000/1,001 * 1/1,000 = 1/1,001. So, the probability that #2 survives this round is 1 - that or 1,000/1,001.
This can be extended for the i'th round - keep the i'th element with probability 1,000/i and if you choose to keep it, replace a random element from the reservoir. It is pretty easy to prove that this works for all values of i using induction. It obviously works for the i'th element based on the way the algorithm selects the i'th element with the correct probability outright. The probability any element before this step being in the reservoir is 1,000/(i-1). The probability that they are removed is 1,000/i * 1/1,000 = 1/i. The probability that each element sticks around given that they are already in the reservoir is (i-1)/i and thus the elements' overall probability of being in the reservoir after i rounds is 1,000/(i-1) * (i-1)/i = 1,000/i.
Weighted Reservoir Sampling Variation
tu: seems not quite right. What is the reservoir size?
Take the same problem above but add the extra challenge: How would you sample from a weighted distribution where each element is given a weight? This is sorta tricky. The above algorithm can be found on the web easily, but I don't know where I can find a weighted reservoir sampling version, so I made one up. I'm 100% sure someone has figured this out before me though, I don't take credit.
Start the same way by filling in the first 1,000 elements of the reservoir except keep a sum of the weights seen so far. Call this seen_weight. Also, make sure to store the weights of the individual elements stored in the reservoir. Call these weights a different array named weight[]. Lastly, to keep things efficient, store a variable for the total weight of the elements in the reservoir called reservoir_weight. On step i, generate a random number between 0 and 1 and use this pseudocode:prob_sum = 0;
for(x = 0; x < (1-(weight[x]*seen_weight/reservoir_weight/(seen_weight + input_weight))))/reservoir_size; ++x) {
if (prob_sum > R) {
// replace, the probability of replace is input_weight/(seen_weight+inputweight)
reservoir[x] = input_element;
reservoir_weight += input_weight - weight[x];
weight[x] = input_weight;
seen_weight += input_weight
The only magic here is: (1-(weight[x] * seen_weight / reservoir_weight / (seen_weight + input_weight))))/reservoir
Distributed Reservoir Sampling Variation
This is the problem that got me looking at the weighted sample above. In both of the above algorithms, I can process the stream in O(N) time where N is length of the stream, in other words: in a single pass. If I want to break break up the problem on say 10 machines and solve it close to 10 times faster, how can I do that?
The answer is to have each of the 10 machines take roughly 1/10th of the input to process and generate their own reservoir sample from their subset of the data. Then, a final process must take the 10 output reservoirs and merge them with another sample. The trick is that the final process must take into account the reservoir weights of each of the input reservoirs. Basically, the final process should reservoir sample every element in the 10 input reservoirs but assign each element a weight of weight[x] * seen_weight / reservoir_weight where weight[x] is the element's original weight, seen_weight is the total weight counted in generating that particular reservoir and reservoir_weight is the sum of the weights of the elements in the reservoir. Proving this works is a little harder, so I will frustrate you by leaving it as an excercise for the dear reader.
Posted by
11:29 PM
Labels: algorithm, programming
Introduction of Hedge Funds
What is a Hedge Fund?
A hedge fund is a loosely regulated private investment fund that charges a management and performance fee.
A hedge fund collects its funds from private wealthy individuals and large institutions and uses funds to trade securities with the hope of capital and income appreciation. Unlike other investment vehicles, hedge funds concentrate on making a consistent absolute return rather than a relative return to a benchmark index. One important distinguishing factor a hedge fund has compared to traditional mutual funds and asset management companies is that a hedge fund is allowed to use almost any structured product. This means that they are allowed to engage in leveraged derivative positions as well as shorting securities, a method usually forbidden at mutual funds. Hedge funds traditionally identify inefficiencies in the financial markets and trade to capture profits from them.
source: http://www.bestwaytoinvest.com/hedge-funds
Posted by
7:08 PM
Labels: finance, investment
hedge fund 投资结构 2
1. Fixed Income Arbitrage
先说说Fixed Income Arbitrage,为什么要先说它呢?对对冲基金有些了解的朋友都应该知道长期资本(Long-Term Capital Management)和大理石基金(Granite Fund)吧!这两家大基金就是栽到这个Fixed Income Arbitrage上了。
他们主要就是玩债(debt instruments,国债了,企业债了)和利率(interest rates)。玩的最主要的原理就是那个yield curve,然后还有其他的东西,比如说volatility curve,cash flow了等等。然后他们把这些又是曲线了,又是数的东西代入到一个模型当中(模型当然得自己做)来洞察商机创造无限吧!
比如说有这么个人,他的模型告诉他US Tbill (Treasury Bill)现在和Eurodollar有100点的差,然后呢有可能Eurodollar的价格被高估了,点差呢可能还会继续加大。这个时候他的策略就是买Tbill卖Eurodollar(这两件事时同时干的,或者相差时间不算太长),这中间不就是有点钱赚了嘛!
玩这种Fixed Income Arbitrage,他们的position里面往往有很多的外国货币在里面,这不又带来了货币风险了吗?他们也不傻,他们是会把这种风险hedge掉的。(一般情况下是hedge掉,但也有人胆子大。)
2. Convertible Arbitrage
第二种Convertible Arbitrage。他们主要是把同一家企业的bond和stock(option有时候也拿进来,作为一个对stock的hedge)捏到一起玩。(这里说的bond是能convert的。)原理呢就是bond和stock的价格有时是有出入的,stock在市场上经常一会高了一会低。
3. Statistical Arbitrage
第三种Statistical Arbitrage。有的人呢,说它是Equity Long/Short,但是呢我在这里还把他拿出来,因为这种trading strategy挺有意思,我管他叫小刀薄薄片型。
我再说一种Statistical Arbitrage的特例,有人管他叫Equity Market Neutral,也许大伙看了neutral这个字就能差不多知道他的意思了。这个Equity Market Neutral的特点就是他们所有买long的钱和他们卖short的钱是相等的 why why why???(就那么意思,大家不要计10块8块的小节),为什么他们这么做呢?大家可能都知道,股票市场一般是一涨全都涨,一跌全都跌(呵呵!再次说明不要计小节。)
再说一个Equity Long/Short,这种策略呢根上面的Equity Market Neutral的不同之处呢就是他们买long的钱和他们卖short的钱是不相等的,一般都是long多点 why why why?,short少点,他们叫Equity Long/Short Long biased。不过也有一少部分是short biased。
4. Distressed Security(debt)
第四种,有人认为这种人胆子比较大,但是呢他们的胆子大也是建立在心细上的,他们叫什么呢?大名Distressed Security(debt)它们主要玩破产,呵呵!听起来挺恶心?不过挺赚钱。我给大家举个例子:有这么个公司快破产了,自然而然这公司的bond就开始猛跌了。这时这帮所谓胆大的人就开始算了,算算如果他们现在买这公司的bond,等公司破产了之后能分到多少钱(比方说15块),如果这公司的bond跌过头了(一般都能跌过头点,比方说是10块),那就买呗。
5. Risk Arbitrage
第五种,也挺有意思,叫Risk Arbitrage,这种人呢在对冲界里是老实人,其实也不老实。主要他们玩的是takeover。比方说公司A要takeover公司B了,他们的策略就是买公司B的股票,买公司A的股票。呵呵!这种玩法挺老实了吧,真不知道怎么给他们起个名字叫Risk Arbitrage,一点也不risky,但是大伙想想伦敦证交所 bid的事吧,看他们干的,搞得天怒人怨。
6. private equity
第六种,这种呢跟安校长玩的(我看他的文章以前经常提到private equity,不知道现在怎么不写了,就给大家回答一些private equity的问题了。现在开始说IPO的事了)private equity有点关系,叫Regular D。他们主要玩private equity一般呢这种人买private equity的position,(买的是convertible bond,而且呢这种bond有一些down side的protection) lost了, 不懂了!!!呜呜~~~
7. Event Driven
第七种,Event Driven。他们主要玩的就是消息。大家顾名思义,就是呢在一些能把股票推上推下的时候,进行股票的买卖。像第五种和第六种都可以认为是Event Driven。跟大伙说说这个event都包括什么event呢?主要包括以下几种:corporate restructuring(merger, takeover, spin off),stock buyback,bond upgrade,好的报表等等。如果乐意呢,就自己create点event玩玩。
8. Sector Fund
第八种,Sector Fund,这种人是传统玩法。一般在一个行业内,选那么几只股票,进行long only或是long biased操作。这种人呢对冲界里面的人不愿把他们划进来,不是因为他们操作的方法,而是因为这些人不太经常用leverage。
9. Emerging Market
第九种,这种呢跟祖国有点关系。Emerging Market。他们玩的东西我也说不太清,得了,我就说他们玩概念吧。一般他们都是投发展中国家的股票了,债券了等等securities。想干什么呢?帮助发展中国家发展?屁!那是side effect,主要就是赚钱。就是现在买了等过两年发展中国家发展了,他就赚到钱了。说到这个Emerging Market令我想到了一些不懂行的洋鬼子们都觉得把Emerging Market加到一个portfolio里面,这个portfolio的风险相对要大,实际上这种认识是错误的,具体为什么错我就不说了,一般看过investment psychology书的朋友们都应该知道,很有名的个例子。如果哪位想看看具体为什么,请参见:The Psychology of Investing,2002,J.R.Nofsinger,Prentice Hall why why why???
10. Fund of Fund
第十种,Fund of Fund,他们主要玩对冲基金。他们是搞来一些钱,然后呢把这些钱投到不同的对冲基金里面。
11. Global Macro
什么是Global Macro呢?就是根据国家,国际的宏观经济走向来进行投资。大伙看到这里可能会说:你这是屁话,哪个投资不是根据国家,国际的宏观经济走向来进行投资的?我为我的屁话进行如下辩解,所有的投资都跟宏观经济走向有关系,但是我这里所说的投资是指那些有密切关系的,比如说:forex,index,government bond等。这些东西对一些政府或专业机构(大的比如说世界银行,小的比如说密歇根大学的consumer sentiment)的数据都相当敏感,而这些数据的源头就是宏观经济学。我上面还说了玩政治,玩什么政治呢?比如说玩玩总统大选了,美联储下个人了,政府的fiscal policy了等等,forex,index对这些东西也相当敏感。
大家都知道索罗斯吧!这是玩Global Macro的鼻主。
呵呵!正经的就说这么多吧!以上我说的trading strategy也仅代表了一部分,肯定不全面,但是呢,我还有这个自信,现阶段出现的其他trading strategy,左揉右揉都能揉到我以上说的这11种里面去。
大家看看我说的这些种trading strategy没有什么太难以让人接受的吧?但为什么有些媒体(还是对冲界人人每个星期都看的媒体)总说对冲基金坏呢?坏事吧是干了点,但总是个别人干的呀!不能打击一片呀。想到了以前上大学军训总唱的一首歌,我就重新填个词吧:
克瑞诶特里溃堤体(create liquidity)
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3:42 AM
Labels: finance, investment